Blaser R8 Ultimate Bolt Rifle

Ref.: 41453-300

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The Blaser R8 Ultimate bolt action rifle features a two-piece thumbhole stock that allows for a completely relaxed firing position, so? as an optimal control of the rifle at the time of shooting. Thanks to the options of modular stock, it adapts perfectly to the particular needs of each hunter.
Its two-piece, more ergonomic stock, which presents three different alternatives depending on the adaptations or adjustments we want to have in our rifle:
  • Adjustable cheek: The multi-level adjustable cheekpiece is activated intuitively without the need for tools, with just pressing a button that goes unnoticed when integrated into the head itself. Thanks to its memory function, once the height is selected, it guarantees the return to the selected position, without the need to make adjustments again. With this system, the cheek piece can be adjusted to individual body proportions or to different optical equipment in a matter of seconds, ensuring a perfect assembly for any situation.
  • Retraction absorption system (RAS): The recoil absorber recoil system is installed quickly and easily, and is in place. designed to provide a nice shot even with large calibers. The internal absorption elements are available with different degrees of hardness that can be adjusted to the preferences of the shooter and significantly reduce the elevation of the muzzle when firing. Chest adjustable in height optional.
  • Adjustable recoil pad (ARP): The possibility of adjusting the length, weight and degree of inclination of the butt plate offer a wide variety of practical advantages, whether for hunting or long distance shooting and competition. . It can be adjusted quickly and easily for different handles or, depending on the climatic conditions, for different garments. Chest adjustable in height optional.
Charger capacity: 4 + 1 in standard calibers and 3 + 1 in medium calibers and magnum .
Total length : 102 cm standard and 110 cm in magnum calibres.
Weight : 3 kg with standard ca.
Length of the cana : 58 cm approx in standard calibers and 65 cm approx. in magnum calibers.
Cylinder head : thumbhole butt Professional Success.
Supported by the trigger system, and by a cover and a cover that protects them from dirt. Safety
For the three-position manual cocking insurance, selectable with just move the safety lever about a thousand meters. The speed
Straight lock. And even more so because of the position of the bolt, closer to the trigger and the new magazine, extra easy to press only two buttons on either side of it. Precision
The trigger lacks travel and offers a clean action. Also influencing the closure system, the new design of the pistol, slightly curved outwards, and the butt, now straight, which guarantee: a perfect grip of the weapon, an absolute control on the trigger, a face and a absorbing recoil m? sc? fashionable and effective. Versatility
Thanks to its interchangeable cannon system, it is possible to hunt on all five continents with a unique rifle, thanks to its interchangeable channels and visors (with the Blaser saddle system). Also, the charger does not need to be replaced if we change gauge, since each cannon has a casing that "adapts" the charger to the new caliber. Prepared for hunting

The models of R8, offer the possibility of acquiring your rifle with the following supplements: Magnaport supplement: The four slots placed in the canyon, near your mouth, decrease the recoil by around 20%. Supplement Dual Brake: Mouth brake of the mouth of the cannon that can be assembled and dismantled. Reduces the recoil of the weapon by 30-50%. Supplement version Full lefty (action and cylinder head) Left-handed stock supplement for all models Pistolèt plate: original animal or arabesque motif Blaser Pistolèt plate: two original Blaser initials Pistolèt plate: two initials Available Causes:
  • Cannon rifle Blaser R8: Smooth 17 mm diameter tube.
  • Cannon rifle Blaser R8 Ribbed: Ribbed tube 17 mm in diameter.
  • Cannon rifle Blaser R8 Octagonal: Octagonal and grooved tube 17 mm.
  • Cannon rifle Blaser R8 Semiweight: Smooth tube of 19 mm diameter.
  • Cannon rifle Blaser R8 Tracking: Calibres .308 Win., .30.06., 8x57 IS, 9.3x62. Ring holder in cannon. Length 50 cm
  • Cannon Rifle Blaser R8 Safari: Smooth 22 mm diameter tube.
  • Cannon Rifle Blaser R8 Match: Ribbed 22 mm diameter. Check the available gauges in the gauge panel. No boost and focus.
It also offers the possibility of the Trigger R8 MATCH HUNTING AZTL this trigger allows the hunters to choose between a match or precision trigger with a pressure of 250 grams, ideal for stalks and long distance shots, and a trigger of Hunting with another pressure of 650 grams. It even goes further? even, hunters who could not conceive a hairless rifle now no longer have excuses for the R8, since it has achieved a product that exceeds the classical concept of hair very remarkably.

You can request more information about these supplements and different options to configure your rifle by calling +34981179100 or sending an e-mail to the address
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Cuando se utiliza la palabra Rifle, cualquier persona, incluido un no entendido, evoca un clásico rifle Mauser de cerrojo de tipo militar. Podríamos decir que es el rifle actual por excelencia, es el más utilizado en cualquier modalidad de caza, el más universal por su variedad de calibres, pesos, tamaños, terminaciones, aplicaciones, fabricantes y precios.
Se trata de un rifle de repetición, es decir un rifle que permite repetir el tiro cuya acción consiste en un cerrojo que, accionado manualmente mediante un movimiento de rotación y empuje, captura el cartucho del deposito y lo introduce en la recamara "acerrojándolo" (cerrándolo), arma el punzón o aguja, para permitir posteriormente el disparo.
El mecanismo del cerrojo puede ser variable, existiendo actualmente cerrojos de acción axial sin rotación aparente. El deposito de munición, admite un numero variable de cartuchos, que suele ser 5 parra calibres no Magnum y 3 o 4 para éstos últimos. Algunos modelos permiten la utilización de un cargador separable.
Nunca debe confundirse repetición con automatismo.
Son los rifles de mayor precisión y más sencillos de construir.
En algunos modelos pueden intercambiarse cañones de diferente calibre, siendo en ese caso compatibles entre sí los correspondientes al grupo de acción larga (calibres Magnum) y por otra parte los de acción corta.
  • Es el más robusto y fiable de todos.
  • De gran precisión balística (no igualada por otros sistemas de repetición).
  • Los mecanismos de extracción y recarga proporcionan una seguridad total de funcionamiento.
  • Es de tiro lento, resultando difícil el disparar con rapidez y soltura.
  • Resulta demasiado grande para largas jornadas de caza a pie.
  • La acción manual del cerrojo desencara el arma en cada disparo, lo que obliga al cazador a retomar los elementos de puntería y supone una pérdida de tiempo que puede ser crucial en el segundeo.
En definitiva podemos decir que se trata de un arma de precisión, lo que no se consiga con el primer tiro difícilmente se conseguirá con el segundo. Por eso es importante que ese primer disparo se realice con sumo cuidado, sin precipitación.
Los trámites son sumamente sencillos:
  • Puede realizar el pago de alguna de las siguientes formas:
    • Tarjeta de crédito.
    • Transferencia bancaria.
    • Tarjeta VIP (esta opción le servirá además para financiar su pedido).
  • Deberá remitirnos fotocopia de su DNI y del permiso de armas correspondiente en función del tipo de arma.
  • El envío se realiza al Cuartel de la Guardia Civil con Intervención de armas que le corresponda (rogamos nos indique el suyo en la sección de "Observaciones", que encontrará al final de su pedido).
    Para la compra de un rifle es necesario copia del DNI y PERMISO DE ARMA LARGA RAYADA (D).

  • Puede remitir dicha documentación por fax o mail.

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